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Parent Information

• We accept children between 1.5 and 4.5 years of age.  

• Nursery fees should be paid within the first week of each new term; however, we can offer a payment plan for parents if needed.  The registration deposit of KD 150 paid for admission, will be deducted from the third term’s fees and is non-refundable. Regrettably, there is no refund for holidays, illness, governmental imposed closure or early withdrawal.

• Nursery hours are between 8 am and 1 pm. Early drop off' time is from 7 am. For those parents who are unable to pick up their child at 1 pm, there is a late attendance at an additional fee. Please ask at the reception desk for more information. 
• If your child is sick, please do not bring him/her to school. He/she needs time to recover, and whilst infectious, should not be in contact with other children. 
• If your child has recovered from an illness, but is still taking a course of antibiotics, we can administer medication at the nursery. You will be asked to sign a form and write the dosage and time the medication should be given. 
• We usually have a number of children at nursery who are extremely allergic to nuts and related items, so we operate a ‘no nut’ policy. This includes items such as peanut butter and Nutella. 
• Your child needs a change of clothing to be kept at the nursery (including underwear). The items should be placed in a labelled bag.  If your child wears nappies, you will need to provide a supply of nappies, cream and wipes. 
• When you are ready to begin toilet training your child, we will aid you in the process by making the experience as positive and natural as possible, so the child feels confident that he/she is doing the training on his/her own. 
• Your child is required to bring a healthy lunchbox each day to school. It should include a variety of nutritious foods and fruit juice or milk. We encourage children to eat healthily, so please do not send in crisps, sweets, chocolate, fizzy or sweetened drinks. We would also advise not to give your child pre-packed foods such as croissants as we have occasionally found these  to be moldy on opening (still within the expiry date). Please help us in encouraging healthy eating. 
• If your child has a birthday and you wish to celebrate it at the nursery, please could you give at least two days notice to allow the teacher to schedule a suitable time for the occasion. 

• We need to be informed of circumstances that might affect your child, like moving house, a parent travelling abroad, a new baby, a death in the family or a divorce. These events will most probably cause some degree of distress and we will need to accommodate your child’s emotions accordingly. (Anything discussed with our teachers will be treated with the utmost confidence). 
• We have an open door policy and we would like you to feel that you can communicate your concerns at any time with your child’s teacher. 

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